

Thomas Sullivan


无助感通常是在我们用尽了解决问题的所有办法之后才会出现的。 当没有任何办法或想不出任何办法时,我们就会感到无助。

假设你下周要参加考试,必须买一本急需查阅的书。 你找遍了大学图书馆都没有找到。


最后,你试图在网上订购,但发现所有你访问过的网站要么没有销售,要么已经断货。 这时,你可能开始感到无助。

无助感伴随着一种对生活失去控制的感觉,这会让人感到非常虚弱和无力。 这显然会导致不良情绪,如果你长期感到无助,那么你可能会抑郁。




当我们看到人们在面对某些问题时变得束手无策时,我们也学会了束手无策,并认为这是面对这种情况时的正常反应。 但事实远非如此。


但是,随着你的成长和对他人行为的了解,你将无助感纳入了你的习惯,因为你看到人们在尝试几次后就放弃了,表现得很无助。 再加上你从媒体那里接受的教育。

有无数的电影、歌曲和书籍直接或间接地告诉你 "没有希望"、"生活很不公平"、"每个人都不能如愿以偿"、"生活是一种负担"、"一切都是写好的"、"我们在命运面前无能为力 "等等。

随着时间的推移,你从媒体和人们那里得到的这些建议就会成为你信念体系的一部分,成为你思维的常态。 你没有意识到的是,它们都在教导你要无助。

当我们还是孩子的时候,我们的心灵就像一块海绵--没有条件反射,最接近大自然。 看看大自然,你几乎找不到一个无助的生物。

See_also: 情商低的原因是什么?

你有没有试过用手指把爬墙的蚂蚁弹下来? 无论你做多少次,蚂蚁都会再次尝试从底部爬上墙,而不会感到无助。

听说过黑猩猩苏丹吗? 心理学家在试图了解学习是如何发生的时候,在苏丹身上做了一个有趣的实验。

See_also: 如何验证一个人(正确的方法)

他们把苏丹关在一个四周有栅栏的封闭空间里,并在栅栏外的地上放了一根香蕉,这样苏丹就够不到香蕉了。 他们还在笼子里放了一些竹签。 苏丹多次试图去拿香蕉,但都失败了。

经过多次尝试,苏丹终于找到了办法。 他把竹片接在一起,做成一根足够长的棍子,够到香蕉。 然后,他把香蕉拖到自己身边,抓住了香蕉。



我们感到无助的唯一原因是我们找不到解决问题的办法。 如果你认为没有办法,也许你还没有认真寻找,也许你只是在重复你从其他人那里学到的东西,而这些人都有感到无助的习惯。


请记住,解决问题或实现预期结果的方法永远不止一种。 成功有时可能只差一次尝试。

Thomas Sullivan

Jeremy Cruz is an experienced psychologist and author dedicated to unraveling the complexities of the human mind. With a passion for understanding the intricacies of human behavior, Jeremy has been actively involved in research and practice for over a decade. He holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from a renowned institution, where he specialized in cognitive psychology and neuropsychology.Through his extensive research, Jeremy has developed a deep insight into various psychological phenomena, including memory, perception, and decision-making processes. His expertise also extends to the field of psychopathology, focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders.Jeremy's passion for sharing knowledge led him to establish his blog, Understanding the Human Mind. By curating a vast array of psychology resources, he aims to provide readers with valuable insights into the complexities and nuances of human behavior. From thought-provoking articles to practical tips, Jeremy offers a comprehensive platform for anyone seeking to enhance their understanding of the human mind.In addition to his blog, Jeremy also dedicates his time to teaching psychology at a prominent university, nurturing the minds of aspiring psychologists and researchers. His engaging teaching style and authentic desire to inspire others make him a highly respected and sought-after professor in the field.Jeremy's contributions to the world of psychology extend beyond academia. He has published numerous research papers in esteemed journals, presenting his findings at international conferences, and contributing to the development of the discipline. With his strong dedication to advancing our understanding of the human mind, Jeremy Cruz continues to inspire and educate readers, aspiring psychologists, and fellow researchers on their journey towards unraveling the complexities of the mind.