

Thomas Sullivan

捏鼻梁的手势是用食指和拇指捏住鼻梁顶部。 通常伴有低头、闭眼和深深叹气的动作。 有时,患者还会反复挤压该部位的皮肤。

See_also: 过度敏感的人(10 个主要特征)



你会发现,人们在遭受某种伤害时会做出这个手势。 信息攻击 .


See_also: 街头智慧与书本智慧:12 个区别

深叹一口气是释放精神紧张的一种方式。 在叹气之前,先要深吸一口气。 据推测,这是为了将更多的氧气输送到大脑,以满足大脑处理大量信息的需要。



例如,这个手势可能会伴随着 "失望的表情",这表明对方对自己正在处理的事情并不满意。 这种失望或 "不对劲 "的感觉通常表现为紧闭嘴唇和轻微摇头。

信息超载会导致压力。 压力大时,我们会想办法安抚自己。 压力大时往往会有失控感。 握住鼻梁也可能是试图重新获得控制感。

因此,反复挤压该区域的皮肤就好比挤压网球一样,可以释放压力,重新获得某种控制感。 这种行为如果反复进行,也是焦虑的信号。


当我们无法应对生活中的一切时,我们就会感到沮丧。 要将沮丧与这个手势联系起来,您应该试着寻找在它之前或之后可能出现的经典 "揉搓后颈 "手势。


我曾说过,抓鼻子是最常见的负面评价手势之一。 捏鼻梁可能与更普遍的抓鼻子手势有关。



人在兴奋时,鼻子里的血管可能会扩张,使鼻子肿胀或更红。 这就会释放出一种叫做组胺的化学物质,产生瘙痒感,迫使人去抓鼻子。



在这种情况下,捏鼻梁可能是唤醒时减少流向鼻子的血液的一种方式。 作为口译员,当你注意到这种手势时,你的任务就是找出首先引起唤醒的原因。

Thomas Sullivan

Jeremy Cruz is an experienced psychologist and author dedicated to unraveling the complexities of the human mind. With a passion for understanding the intricacies of human behavior, Jeremy has been actively involved in research and practice for over a decade. He holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from a renowned institution, where he specialized in cognitive psychology and neuropsychology.Through his extensive research, Jeremy has developed a deep insight into various psychological phenomena, including memory, perception, and decision-making processes. His expertise also extends to the field of psychopathology, focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders.Jeremy's passion for sharing knowledge led him to establish his blog, Understanding the Human Mind. By curating a vast array of psychology resources, he aims to provide readers with valuable insights into the complexities and nuances of human behavior. From thought-provoking articles to practical tips, Jeremy offers a comprehensive platform for anyone seeking to enhance their understanding of the human mind.In addition to his blog, Jeremy also dedicates his time to teaching psychology at a prominent university, nurturing the minds of aspiring psychologists and researchers. His engaging teaching style and authentic desire to inspire others make him a highly respected and sought-after professor in the field.Jeremy's contributions to the world of psychology extend beyond academia. He has published numerous research papers in esteemed journals, presenting his findings at international conferences, and contributing to the development of the discipline. With his strong dedication to advancing our understanding of the human mind, Jeremy Cruz continues to inspire and educate readers, aspiring psychologists, and fellow researchers on their journey towards unraveling the complexities of the mind.