

Thomas Sullivan

昏迷是一种无法唤醒的无意识状态。 处于昏迷状态的人既不清醒,也没有意识。 他还活着,但无法对刺激做出反应。


See_also: 13 个情绪低落者的特征






昏迷的程度取决于伤病的严重程度。 昏迷属于意识障碍的一种,代表不同程度的昏迷。


如果杰克的大脑完全失去功能,医生说他会 大脑死亡 这意味着他永远失去了知觉和呼吸能力。

See_also: 14 邪教领袖的特征

如果杰克滑入 昏迷 在昏迷状态下,大脑并没有完全关闭,而是在最低水平上工作。 他可能有呼吸能力,也可能没有呼吸能力,但对任何刺激(如疼痛或声音)都没有反应。 他不能进行任何自主动作。 他的眼睛一直闭着,昏迷状态下没有睡眠-觉醒周期。

比如说,在昏迷几周后,杰克出现了恢复的迹象。 他现在可以睁眼、眨眼、睡觉、醒来和打哈欠。 他还可以移动四肢、咧嘴笑和做咀嚼动作,但仍然无法对刺激做出反应。 这种状态被称为 "昏迷"。 植物人状态 .

杰克可能不会陷入植物人状态,而是陷入所谓的微意识状态。 在这种状态下,杰克可以表现出非反射性和有目的的行为,但无法与人交流。 他的意识是间歇性的。

如果杰克意识清醒,可以醒来和入睡,甚至可以用眼睛交流,但却无法(部分或完全)进行自主行动,那么他就处于锁定状态。 他算是被锁定在自己的身体里了。

对病人进行全身麻醉,使他们暂时失去知觉,这样就可以进行大型手术和外科手术,否则会非常痛苦。 全身麻醉可被视为人工诱导的可逆昏迷2。


昏迷通常只持续几周,患者可以逐渐恢复,从无意识过渡到有意识。 通过治疗和锻炼对大脑进行刺激,可以帮助患者恢复。



昏迷时间越长,康复的机会就越小,但也有昏迷 10 年和 19 年后仍能康复的病例。


如果电路中通过的电流过大,电子设备中的安全保险丝就会熔化并断开电路。 这样就能保护设备和电路免受损坏。



从这个意义上说,昏迷与威胁诱发的昏厥非常相似。 昏厥是对潜在威胁的反应,而昏迷则是对实际威胁的反应。 昏厥可以防止你受伤,而昏迷则是在你实际受伤时,你的大脑为拯救你所做的最后尝试。


  1. Mikolajewska, E., & Mikolajewski, D. (2012)。《脑干活动失灵可能导致的意识障碍--计算方法》。 健康科学杂志 , 2 (2), 007-018.
  2. Brown, E. N., Lydic, R., & Schiff, N. D. (2010).全身麻醉、睡眠和昏迷。 新英格兰医学杂志 , 363 (27), 2638-2650.
  3. 西北大学(2015 年 1 月 22 日)。 家庭的声音和故事加速了昏迷的恢复。《科学日报》。2018 年 4 月 8 日从 www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/01/150122133213.htm 检索。
  4. Buss, D. (2015). 进化心理学:心灵的新科学 心理学出版社。

Thomas Sullivan

Jeremy Cruz is an experienced psychologist and author dedicated to unraveling the complexities of the human mind. With a passion for understanding the intricacies of human behavior, Jeremy has been actively involved in research and practice for over a decade. He holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from a renowned institution, where he specialized in cognitive psychology and neuropsychology.Through his extensive research, Jeremy has developed a deep insight into various psychological phenomena, including memory, perception, and decision-making processes. His expertise also extends to the field of psychopathology, focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders.Jeremy's passion for sharing knowledge led him to establish his blog, Understanding the Human Mind. By curating a vast array of psychology resources, he aims to provide readers with valuable insights into the complexities and nuances of human behavior. From thought-provoking articles to practical tips, Jeremy offers a comprehensive platform for anyone seeking to enhance their understanding of the human mind.In addition to his blog, Jeremy also dedicates his time to teaching psychology at a prominent university, nurturing the minds of aspiring psychologists and researchers. His engaging teaching style and authentic desire to inspire others make him a highly respected and sought-after professor in the field.Jeremy's contributions to the world of psychology extend beyond academia. He has published numerous research papers in esteemed journals, presenting his findings at international conferences, and contributing to the development of the discipline. With his strong dedication to advancing our understanding of the human mind, Jeremy Cruz continues to inspire and educate readers, aspiring psychologists, and fellow researchers on their journey towards unraveling the complexities of the mind.