我在投射吗? 问答(10 个项目)

 我在投射吗? 问答(10 个项目)

Thomas Sullivan

投射到别人身上是指把自己的特质投射到别人身上。 人们倾向于把自己的负面特质投射到别人身上,这样他们就不必为自己的负面特质承担责任。 这是一种自我防御和推卸责任的机制,可能是有意识的,也可能是无意识的。


有意识的投射是一种操纵。 你知道你在向他人隐藏你的负面特征和行为。 选择不操纵很容易。

更致命、更难对付的是无意识的投射。 它通常源于过去的创伤。 过去的创伤会让一个人产生防御心理。 这种防御心理会蔓延到他们成年后的人际关系中,造成严重的问题。

那些无意识投射的人生活在扭曲的现实中。 要改变他们的想法,让他们看清真相很难。 他们会一次又一次地陷入相同的冲突模式。

See_also: 男性等级测试:你属于哪种类型?

进行 "我在投射吗?

让无意识变得有意识已经是一项具有挑战性的任务了,所以这个测验要求你尽可能诚实地面对它。 当你浏览这些项目时,你可能会觉得很想否定它们,并强化你对外表的需求。 小心这一点。

测试由 10 个项目组成,采用 5 级评分法,范围从 非常同意 非常不同意 这是完全匿名的,只有您自己能看到您的结果。


See_also: 应注意的回避型依恋诱因 取消提交测验



Thomas Sullivan

Jeremy Cruz is an experienced psychologist and author dedicated to unraveling the complexities of the human mind. With a passion for understanding the intricacies of human behavior, Jeremy has been actively involved in research and practice for over a decade. He holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from a renowned institution, where he specialized in cognitive psychology and neuropsychology.Through his extensive research, Jeremy has developed a deep insight into various psychological phenomena, including memory, perception, and decision-making processes. His expertise also extends to the field of psychopathology, focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders.Jeremy's passion for sharing knowledge led him to establish his blog, Understanding the Human Mind. By curating a vast array of psychology resources, he aims to provide readers with valuable insights into the complexities and nuances of human behavior. From thought-provoking articles to practical tips, Jeremy offers a comprehensive platform for anyone seeking to enhance their understanding of the human mind.In addition to his blog, Jeremy also dedicates his time to teaching psychology at a prominent university, nurturing the minds of aspiring psychologists and researchers. His engaging teaching style and authentic desire to inspire others make him a highly respected and sought-after professor in the field.Jeremy's contributions to the world of psychology extend beyond academia. He has published numerous research papers in esteemed journals, presenting his findings at international conferences, and contributing to the development of the discipline. With his strong dedication to advancing our understanding of the human mind, Jeremy Cruz continues to inspire and educate readers, aspiring psychologists, and fellow researchers on their journey towards unraveling the complexities of the mind.